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Who We Are


We are an organization of Italian guides who have been committed to giving you since 2012
information and advice that will make your stay unforgettable.
We can offer low-cost tours thanks to our calendar of weekly activities but at the same time, we are available for private and personalized tours.
We have many routes in London and as many out of town.



Claudia, brackish and confetti in her veins, began her first cultural experience with the ARCI association: from 2009 to 2013 she managed, together with a group of young people, a bookshop in her beloved Viareggio, where she offers city tours, organizes cineforums, book presentations and exhibitions. But the future is out of Versilia, the horizon is wider. So, just two weeks after graduating in History from the University of Pisa, Claudia is in London. It is precisely her passions and her studies that bring her away from home. The music , underground culture and multi-ethnicity of the English capitalthey have always fascinated her, which is why she focuses her thesis on English musical subcultures. Claudia arrives in London in search of that punk and transgressive atmosphere that was experienced in past years. So map in your hand, headphones in your ears and .. go! To the sound of Rock & Roll, Ska, Reggae, the streets of underground London are now an open book for her. The London of Clash and David Bowie , the multi cultural London of Brixton , his favorite neighborhood where he works, at the Black Cultural Archives . And that’s exactly how Claudia’s adventure with Cultural London begins. He stumbles upon the site by chance and decides to contact Francesco, offering him a Music Tour, because indispensable is a tour on the immense and amazing history of English music ! But London isn’t just music, it’s a lot, a lot of history. He collaborates with the Imperial War Museum , at the Churchill War Rooms , where he holds the role of Visitor Assistant (his is also the historical tour IMW + Covent Garden). History and art are the other passions that move her heart. He loves every human cultural manifestation: how peoples change and influence each other, how they manifest themselves through art, literature, photography and cinema! She is a serial consumer of books, documentaries and auteur films. In her spare time, she divides her time between a concert and a walk through the Docks, the old London ports, where she can breathe the scent of a maritime London that reminds her of her Viareggio roots.


He arrives in London in autumn 2011: his graduation is still hot under his arm and the desire to find that job in the cultural sphere which in Italy is only a mirage. At the beginning, the usual works of luck, but in his spare time he begins to visit the city without stopping: its monuments , museums and art galleries . The experience excites him, every day he learns new things, admires the masterpieces of the great artists and his imagination follows the trail of treasures from different eras and continents. Francesco, however, sunny and full of life, alone cannot stand it and then his “discoveries” are too beautiful not to be shared: this is how he thinks about the project that will be Cultural London .

The first experiences as a guide are fundamental: the affection and encouragement of the participants are the decisive push to start straight. The “visitors” increase and in a short time the Team expands: Marina and Lucio, qualified guides who share his passion for London with him, join the team. Little free time is given: Francesco dedicates his entire day to Cultural London; when he is not accompanying visitors around the city he is answering booking emails and when he is not on the computer he is certainly studying a new itinerary to propose to visitors. In short: Francesco is in cultural London as Cultural London is in Francesco!


Mario arrived in London in May 2014, after graduating with honors from DAMS in his beloved Sicily and having achieved significant work experiences between Rome and Milan in the field of communication in the art and entertainment sector. The Music Communication Agency with which he collaborates between 2012 and 2014, Riccardo Vitanza’s Parole & Dintorni, on the Milanese territory, for example, is one of the most accredited in the sector and includes among its ranks the likes of Ligabue, Francesco de Gregori, Renato Zero, Giorgia and many others.

Sport has always played a fundamental role in his life: the years spent on volleyball courts have taught him discipline, sacrifice, commitment, respect and sharing. His insatiable curiosity and continuous thirst for knowledge instead will take him far from the national territory. He will spend a year in Spain, in Cordoba, as an Erasmus student: an extremely important life experience, before studying, which will represent a turning point and a point of no return. A brief Parisian parenthesis will follow and then dive into the chaotic English capital where to put his strong propensity for interpersonal relationships in play together with a contagiously sunny and positive personality. In 2017 he will be gallery assistant to the British Museum for a year, in 2018 it will be the turn of the exhibition “Harry Potter, A Story of Magic “at the British Library, to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the release of the first book of the famous wizard saga born from the pen of JK Rowling.

In between, many experiences in the most important museums and galleries in London: Science Museum, Barbican Center, Serpentine Galleries, Museum of London , are just some of the areas in which he has strengthened his experience. It is a short step from museum assistant to tour guide. His collaboration with cultural London will begin in the summer of 2017 and today this partnership appears solid and fruitful. A family visiting London called him “an explosive concentrate of sympathy, courtesy, competence and passion”. what are you waiting to be overwhelmed by this flooding river?


Sara, born in Milan, but raised in a small town in the Ligurian hinterland, began her collaboration with the London Cultural project in March 2014. She was a bit shocked when, as a child, for the first time her mother showed her some paintings by Pablo Picasso, but it will be thanks to you and Piero Angela that your interests in Art, History and Archeology will grow. Traveling is another great passion of his: he learns new languages, like French, thanks to his seven years of work in Paris; discover new cultures, especially thanks to a trip to Latin America.

He arrived in London for the first time in 2010: he was electrocuted and returned there in 2013. He graduated in Restoration of paintings and frescoes at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cuneo, where he worked on the restoration of the frescoes in the Sala Comunale of Caraglio, in the Reggia di Venaria Reale and Cuneo Cathedral. The three years of the academy allow her to refine her knowledge of the main artistic techniques, also learning to realize them and to deepen her studies of History of Art and Archeology. After the academic experience, she left for Australia and after a stop in Asia she returned to London, where she met Francesco, who proposed that she start working as a guide.; thus began his adventure in tourism. She is enthusiastic about it and the pleasant experiences that it gives her push her to always improve: she deepens her knowledge of the City, a little for her innate curiosity, but above all to offer visitors a pleasant welcome and as complete a service as possible. In her spare time she hides in some vinyl shop, reading Hemingway on the banks of the Regent’s Canal or simply drinking a glass of wine in some hidden pub in the city. If you happen to meet her wandering around aimlessly, no problem, she is definitely looking for a good espresso.

Sara is the author of the tour the East End of London and Street Art , the only tour of London graffiti in Italian.


Originating in the Phlegraean Fields in the province of Naples, his passion for history was born in this area rich in archeology. He attended the L’Orientale University of Naples where he graduated in 2008 in archaeological heritage with a thesis on the Greek emporiums of the Iron Age in Syria. Thanks to a scholarship he continued his studies at the University of Pisawhere he obtained his specialist in Archeology in 2014 with a thesis on Mycenaean Attica; study completed after a year and a half stay in Athens, and the study of materials kept in the British Museum. He has participated in numerous excavation missions in Pompeii (Roman settlement), Cumae (Greek colony), Pietrabbondante (Italic sanctuary), Poviglio (Villanovian village), Rocavecchia (emporium of the Bronze Age), Valle delle Meraviglie (rock engravings of the Copper Age) Amari Valley (settlement of the Iron Age). He worked at the British School of Archeology in Athens in 2010/2011, collaborated with the CNR of Rome and the institute of human paleontology in Paris.
In 2015 he left for a trip to Australia following the stories of Bruce Chatwin “The way of songs”. He also visits Indonesia and Cambodia where he has the opportunity to carefully visit the Angkor complex.
After a stay in Shanghai he moved to London in 2016 where he started working for the British Museum . At the largest museum in the United Kingdom he deals with hospitality and security, and collaborates in some educational and research activities. At the moment in the museum he is in charge of researching images, prints and drawings from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. concerning the landscape of the Phlegraean Fields.
He has been collaborating with London Cultural since 2017, where in addition to the guides he deals with managing social media.
An enthusiast of antiques and cuisine, during his free time he wanders to discover new flavors around the city, as well as visiting the many antique markets.


Born in a small town in Yorkshire but raised on the slopes of the Etna volcano in Sicily by an English mother and an Italian father, Roberta defines herself as an Anglo-Sicilian. After school, he decided to rediscover his origins and go to study Art History in the most haunted city of England: York.

Once graduated, terrified of the ghosts of York, she fled to Paris where she discovered her passion for acting and began working as a guide.

Roberta returns to London to obtain a master’s degree in Performance at the Mountview Academy of Theater Arts and fascinated by the wealth of her museums, monuments and theaters, she decides to make London her new home.

Her eclectic training and her unstoppable enthusiasm allowed her to combine her driving experience with acting, sharing her passion for the theatrical and colorful history of the city for three years, giving energetic and lively tours involving both adults and children .

When she is not busy wandering around the museums and streets of the city as a guide Roberta is busy performing, dancing swing or finding the multicultural restaurants of the city.


Michael was born in Assisi to an Umbrian father and Roman mother.
It grows by dividing itself between its two greatest passions: football and music.
He studied at the Tourist High School of Assisi and developed an early interest in British culture . He was struck by London at the age of 15 and since then he can return to find friends and cultivate his dream of being able to move there permanently.
He graduated in literature and philosophy at the University of Perugia with a thesis on Woody Allen’s cinema and immediately began his professional career as a tour guide in different areas of Umbria, simultaneously deepening his studies in Art History and foreign languages.
He moved to Londonin 2012 where the much-hoped adventure will finally take substance.
He works as a private English teacher and in his spare time he spends whole days, backpacking, exploring new places and visiting the splendid museums from opening to closing time.
Surfing the web, he discovers Cultural London: the work of driving reflects his aspirations! Contact the team and since then he has been busy every day in preparing an offer that transmits to Italian participants the same passion that he has always had for this city. Michael brought an unmistakable British touch to the organization: visitors are enchanted by his detailed explanations, courtesy and professionalism.


Lucio was born and raised in Sardinia, from a Sardinian father and a Neapolitan mother. He graduated in 2000 in tourism economics from the University of Perugia. After a short parenthesis in Australia, he decided to devote himself to teaching tourism subjects with excellent results (collaborates with municipalities, regions, vocational training schools and universities) until he opened a consulting firm for communication and marketing in tourism. . In the summer of 2005 he left for a tour of Europe, backpacking, which changed his perception of life.

A few months later, December 2005, he decided to move to a big metropolis like London. He falls in love almost immediately with the life and emotions that the city and its people give him. Like all self-respecting Londoners, he initially has at least two jobs, barman on board a beautiful historic ship on the Thames, used as a venue for major events ( and receptionist at a London Hostel Association hostel. In February 2010, after reaching the position of assistant manager at the Regina House Hostel, he decided for another change of course, left London and moved to Ibiza to devote himself to two of his passions, writing and the good life. He returned to London in November 2010 after spending 2 months in the States (New York, Philadelphia and Washington).

He continues to write stories, work as extras for films and advertisements, in 2012 he collaborates as a steward at the London Olympic Games, until he meets Francesco who involves him in his brilliant London cultural project. He is said to be preparing a new change of course, a trip around the world. Certainly until October you will find him available, on his bicycle, to make you discover the wonders of London. A word of advice, don’t listen to it for too long, the risk of doing some madness and changing your life is highly contagious.

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